How Passive Income Can Help You Grow Your Business and Find More Freedom

marketing + sales

Is it time to scale your biz?

Maybe you’ve been content with your current line-up of offers, but you’re eagerly awaiting the day when you can start growing your business and make a little bit more money, or even have more free time. 

You’ve probably heard a variety of suggestions, like increasing your rates, finding a more profitable niche, or growing your team to take on more projects. 

But it’s not always that easy. There are limited hours in the day and when you’re a solopreneur doing it all on your own, time is not a commodity. What’s a business owner to do?!

What if we told you that there was a way to make more money without straining for every dollar? That’s the power of passive income babe!

With passive income products, you can earn more in less time. It requires minimal labor to earn and maintain, even if there is some work on the front end. You can use them to earn multiple streams of income without overworking yourself, giving you more freedom and flexibility in your business while still serving your audience.

If you want to know what it feels like to have multiple streams of revenue coming to you, even as you sleep, keep reading. We’ll show you how!



Why passive income? 

No matter what you do as a small business owner, no matter what industry you find yourself in, you can only work as often as you’re available — which means your time limits your money-making possibilities.

Cue passive income products!

Selling passive products through The Canva Template Shop has given our team so much freedom, not only financially but also within our personal lives to take more time off and invest in our families.

Because we aren’t wearing ourselves thin to make every dollar we earn, our creative juices stay flowing, which means we can better serve our clients and customers with our offers. 

Yes, you’ll still need to invest a few hours in creating the product, workflow, and marketing it to your audience, but that’s the beautiful thing about selling passive income products! You put in the hours upfront, then watch it sell on its own.


Creating your offer

Wondering how you can come up with a great passive income product? Your business already has a gold mine of ideas waiting to be tapped into. You just need to do some digging to discover them!

The first place to look? The content, freebies, and opt-ins you’ve already created. You use them to bring new friends into your circle and to grow your email list, so you know you already have a pretty good idea if there is market demand for them.

This could include: 

  • Social media swipe copy or graphics
  • Email templates
  • Pinterest or blog templates
  • A how-to guide
  • Roadmaps or tutorials
  • Checklists
  • Challenges 
  • Courses

Figure out what resonates with your audience the most. Then, see if that product needs any tweaks. Can things be bundled together? Do you need to update or expand your content to fit the current needs of your audience? 

Scan your content until you’ve struck gold (which won’t take long — your business is already teeming with valuable resources!)


Why you should sell your passive income products through Canva

If you’ve been around long enough — you know how much we love Canva! It is in our name after all. Our whole business is built around it because we truly believe that yes, it is that good!

But why Canva when there are other tools out there?

Even though Canva is simple and easy to use, not everyone has time to, or even enjoys, designing from scratch. So, they buy Canva templates to make their design process easier!

Every business needs graphics to promote and advertise what they’re selling, but not all of them have the bandwidth to do it on their own or have the budget to outsource a designer. 

That means anyone who has a business or is about to launch one could be your potential next customer. There is a huge market for them because every business needs them

If you want to start diversifying your income, we recommend sticking with Canva!


Setting up shop

Now that you know what product you want to sell, you need a storefront to make some sales happen!


Start with a simple sales page

Create a separate webpage or a landing page that is specifically geared towards selling your digital product. Talk about what problems your product helps solve, appeal to the pain points of your audience, and clearly communicate how brilliant your offer is!


Set up an online storefront

Setting up an online storefront like Shopify or Kajabi is an easy way to sell your digital products. These sites are built to make it easy peasy to sell digital products, meaning you’ll spend less time fumbling with technology and more time advertising your offer or answering your customer’s questions. 

But no matter which shop platform you choose, make sure you’ve got: 

  • A high-quality product image or mockup for each listing
  • A detailed description, full of pricing options and beautiful SEO keywords
  • Testimonials or reviews once they become available

There's a lot that goes into creating an online shop, but this is a great start if you’re just now breaking into the passive income space!


Check out digital marketplaces

A digital marketplace like Creative Market or Etsy is a great place to start selling, especially for artistic digital products, like checklists, posters, designs — practically anything that’s ready to go once downloaded!

It’s important to remember that these platforms do tend to have a lower price point because they house so many listings and can take a large chunk of your product price for fees, so make sure you price your offers accordingly! We’d hate to see you go through all the trouble to create a beautiful product but not see the return you were hoping for.


Okay, let’s do it! I want to start selling Canva products!

If you’ve made it to this point and just can’t wait to get started with your own passive income products…Eeepp! We are SO excited for you, love! It’s going to be a game-changer. 

Learning that you can grow your business by selling Canva products is thrilling! But while that excitement may push you to take action, your head may be swirling with questions…

“What’s the first step?”

“How do I tell my audience about it?”

“How do I price my offers?”

All these questions may feel overwhelming, and that’s okay. It’s totally reasonable that this newness brings on some uncertainty. But that’s what we’re here for, love, and it’s the exact reason we created The Canva Product Creator Kit.



This kit is a step-by-step system that gives you everything you need to know to get started creating passive income products in Canva. Everything you need to create, launch, and sell your first product, it’s all right here, in one convenient location. 

Inside you’ll find: 

  • The Profitable Canva Product Formula: A value-packed training that’ll show you how to create the most viable Canva product for YOUR business. 
  • The Canva Product Creation Workflow: An 8-part workshop series that walks you through every single step of creating, launching, and selling your first Canva product. 
  • The Canva Product Description Template: Describe your Canva product in a way that makes it a complete no-brainer purchase.
  • The Canva Product Announcement Template: Craft an attention-grabbing product announcement and repurpose it for your other marketing channels.
  • PLUS some magical bonuses to help you create and sell your product even faster, like a mood board template and a graphics checklist!

 You’ve got your own secret sauce just waiting to be shared with the world. No more holding back! No more guessing games. And no more wasted time.

Let's get you a piece of this passive income pie.

Grab the Canva Product Creator Kit for just $97!

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